Sunday 20 March 2011

Cumberland Sausage

HURRAH for Cumberland Sausage. The information below is taken from Yahoo. Please note they have to have 80% meat. If you buy anyother sausage ask how much meat is in it.

The famously coiled Cumberland sausage will have its name protected across Europe after being granted special status, the government said Friday.
The meaty regional delicacy has gained Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status
Enlarge photo .The meaty regional delicacy, produced in the north-west county of Cumbria since the 16th century, has gained Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status, and only sausages made in line with strict standards will be able to carry the logo.

The coarse-textured banger will have to be produced, processed and prepared in Cumbria, contain at least 80 percent meat and be at least 20 millimetres thick to display the European Union's coveted PGI mark.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) said the move guarantees the heritage and authenticity of the product and will prove a major boost for region's butchers.

"This should be a significant boost to Cumbrian producers, who will now be able to prove that their product is the real thing," Food minister Jim Paice said.

"It's also a boost to consumers who can have confidence in where their sausages come from."

Peter Gott, of the Cumberland Sausage Association, added: "This is a great milestone for the county and a well deserved place in England's food history for a truly sensational diverse food product."

The traditional sausage is the 44th UK food and drink product to have its name protected throughout Europe, joining Cornish clotted cream and Stilton cheese.

Recipes for Cumberland sausage vary but all are sold in a long coil and are highly seasoned, a legacy of the region's strong 18th-century trade links with the Americas and Africa.

DEFRA said the sausage may first have been introduced to the area along with an influx of German miners around 500 years ago.


  1. Barbara, I'm happy to see that you're still writing on the blog that almost a year ago you opened in a beautiful and magic place in Devon. Miss U all.

  2. Thanks Lucia great to hear from you.
